VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen
Fraßspuren und Befallsbild

1. Lebendfotos

1.1. Falter

1.2. Raupe

1.3. Fraßspuren und Befallsbild

1.4. Puppe

2. Diagnose

2.1. Männchen

2.2. Weibchen

2.3. Genitalien

2.3.1. Männchen

3. Biologie

3.1. Nahrung der Raupe

  • [Asteraceae:] Centaurea triumfettii [= Cyanus triumfetti] (Filz-Flockenblume)

Kovács et al. (2024: 146) stellen klar: "In the original description the flight period was given as 27 May to 13 July, and Centaurea rhenana Bor. (= Centaurea stoebe L.) was identified as the presumed host-plant (Preissecker 1908: 72). Two ♂ and one ♀ from Oberloiben in the Wachau area were reared by P. Buchner in 2008. Larvae were found in the flower-heads of Centaurea triumfettii All. (Asteraceae) in mid April, and pupated in the same place at the end of April (Figs 40–42). Adults emerged between 8–10 May, which is the earliest recorded date for the species. Given the restricted distribution of C. dorsimaculana and its confirmed host-plant, Centaurea triumfettii, it is doubtful that the wide spread Centaurea stoebe is a host-plant."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

4. Weitere Informationen

4.1. Andere Kombinationen

4.2. Taxonomie

Kovács et al. (2024) stellen fest, dass es sich bei den bisher unter Cochylimorpha perfusana gehandelten Tieren nicht um eine Einzelart, sondern eine Gruppe von vier verwandten Arten handelt. In ihrer Arbeit befreien sie Cochylis callosana Herrich-Schäffer, 1851 und Euxanthis dorsimaculana Preissecker, 1908 aus der Synonymie von C. perfusana und erklären sie zu guten Arten: Cochylimorpha callosana bzw. Cochylimorpha dorsimaculana. Hinzu kommt die Beschreibung von Cochylimorpha bucegiana als neue Art. Diee 4 Arten sind beim Barcoding meist deutlich voneinander getrennt. Dies gilt für C. dorsimaculana nur eingeschränkt. Kovács et al. (2024: 146) schreiben dazu: "The intraspecific divergence of the barcode region is 0% (n = 2). The DNA barcoded specimens share the BIN with C. perfusana, but cluster separately as the sister group with a minimum distance of 1.07%. The minimum distance to C. callosana is 3.12%, and to C. bucegiana sp. nov. is 3.62%. Cochylimorpha dorsimaculana seems to be phylogenetically the most recently evolved member of the group." Die Artberechtigung gegenüber C. perfusana begründen sie mit:

  • 1) the divergence in DNA barcodes: the DNA barcoded specimens of C. dorsimaculana and C. perfusana share the same BIN, but cluster in two sister groups with a minimum distance of 1.07% between them.
  • 2) the strikingly different external morphology of the two taxa: C. dorsimaculana has an indistinct light brownish yellow reticulate pattern and the dominant element of the marking is a large, brown dorsal blotch in contrast to a conspicuous light olive-green reticulate pattern uniformly dispersed on the entire forewing of C. perfusana.
  • 3) the differences in the genitalia of both sexes. The male C. dorsimaculana has the tegumen with straight margins, a short and pointed terminal process, a rather short, very wide and parallel-sided median process of the transtilla with a round apex and a gradually narrowing valva, whereas C. perfusana has the tegumen with convex margins and an elongated terminal process, a long and wide median process of the transtilla with a tapering apex and a narrower and variable shaped valva. The female C. dorsimaculana possesses signa consisting of both a sclerotized plate and a group of thorns, whereas C. perfusana has a signum which is only a very weakly sclerotized plate.
  • 4) the differences in habitats: C. dorsimaculana inhabits meadows at low elevations (200–300 m), in contrast to mountain and high-mountain meadows (between 550–2100 m) inhabited by C. perfusana.

4.3. Faunistik

Die Art wurde von der Wachau und von Retz in Niederösterreich beschrieben. Alle Fundstellen liegen dort zwischen 200 und 300 m Höhe und die Art scheint ein Endemit dieser Region zu sein.

4.4. Typenmaterial

Kovács et al. (2024: 144)schreiben zu ihrem Untersuchungsmaterial: " Paralectotypes. 1 ♂, [Lower Austria, Wachau,] Gaisberg, 9.vi.[19]07, Stein a.[n] D.[onau]; dorsimaculana Type; Praep. Gen. Nr.: 3427 ♂; dorsimaculana Pr., det. et praep.: J. Razowski, 1959, [museum-ID: MV 2143]; Preissecker l[eg.], NHMW (Fig. 34); 1 ♂, Gr.[osse] Heide, 2.vii. [19]05, Retz, Preissecker l[eg]., dorsimaculana Type; 1 ♂, Gaisberg, 9.vi.[19]07, Stein a.[n] D.[onau], Preissecker l[eg.], dorsimaculana Type, NHMW Type fot[o] 2013, NHMW, [left hindwing broken, abdomen missing]; 1 ♀, Gaisberg, 9.vi. [19]07, Stein a.[n] D.[onau], Stenodes dorsimaculana Type, Praep. Gen. Nr.: 3428 ♀/ Razowski, museum-ID: MV 2144, Preissecker l[eg]., dorsimaculana P., det. et praep.: 1959, J. Razowski, all NHMW.".

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

4.5. Literatur