VorkommenLinks (4)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Fibiger, Stangelmaier, Wieser & Zahiri (2010: 249): “Holotype, ♂: "Iran, Prov. Zangan | 20 km NE of Zangan, 2220 m | 36°42'N; 48°45'E, 25.X.2000 | leg. B. Benedek & Gy. Fábián | coll. György Fábián / Hungary", "Holotype ♂ | Lithostege stadiei Lehmann", "L: Lehmann Gen. Prep. Nr. | 10/2008", in coll. L. Lehmann, will be deposited in ZMHB (Berlin). – Paratypes: 1 ♂, same data as holotype, coll. L. Lehmann, Eisenhüttenstadt; 3 ♂, same data as holotype, ♂, same data, but 26.X.2000, all coll. N. Pöll, Bad Ischl, Austria; 1 ♂, Iran, Mts. Sendan | Prov. Zanjan 2200 m | Zanjan-Gilvan pass | 2009.X.09-11. | Leg. Hács-Sum | coll. SMNK (Karlsruhe).”

2.2. Literatur