VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Gyulai (2018: 777): “Holotype: ♂ (Fig. 16) SW Tajikistan, "23. IX. [19]48, St. Pristanj, 12 km k. ju. ot Dshilikulja, na r. Vahs, Na svet, [in Russian] male, Euxoa sp?" (= old pier on the Vakhsh River, 12 km S of Jilikul, at light), Yu. Shchetkin [leg.] slide No. VZ 8482m (coll. PGM, later to be deposited in the HNHM).” — Paratypen: 32 Falter, ♂♂ und ♀♀, alle aus Tadschikistan.

2.2. Literatur