VorkommenLinks (4)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Ronkay & Gyulai (2006: 212): “Holotype: ♂, Iran, Prov. West Azerbaijan, 5 km E of Höy, 1020 m, 26.IV.2000, leg. A. Szabó & P. Hentschel; slide No. 1381 Gyulai. The holotype is in coll. P. Gyulai, deposited in the HNHM Budapest. Paratypes: 3 ♂, 3 ♀♀, with the same data as the holotype (coll. P. Gyulai, G. Ronkay and A. Szabó). Slide Nos: 1344 Gyulai (♂), 1382 (♀).”

2.2. Literatur