VorkommenLinks (3)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Ronkay & Varga (1994: 163): “Holotype: male, “2.XI.50, c. 5500 ft, Hunaifagan, Fars, PERSIA, E.P. Wiltshire”, “♂ Pfeifferella gracilis” (underside of the label). Slide No. 4454 Ronkay, coll. Wiltshire, BMNH. Paratype: female, Iran, Fars, Pireh Zan, 7000 ft, 4.X.1950, E. P. Wiltshire, slide No. 4486 Ronkay (coll. Wiltshire, BMNH).”

2.2. Literatur