VorkommenLinks (3)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Andere Kombinationen

  • Krupitsky & Kolesnichenko, 2013 [Originalkombination]

2.2. Typenmaterial

Krupitsky & Kolesnichenko (2013: 461): “Holotype ♂ ZMMU: IRAN, Esfahan prov., Golpayegan, Kocherey vill., 28.IV.2007, A. Zamesov leg. Paratypes ZISP (1 ♂, the same locality as in the holotype, 27–28.IV.2007 K. Kolesnichenko leg.), DSMM (1 ♂, the same locality as in the holotype, 27–28.IV.2007, K. Kolesnichenko leg.), AZ (5 ♂, 1 ♀, the same data as in the holotype, A. Zamesov leg.), KK (5 ♂, 1 ♀, the same locality as in the holotype, 27–28.IV.2007, K. Kolesnichenko leg.), AK (3 ♂, 1 ♀, the same data as in the holotype, A. Zamesov leg.; 2 ♂, the same locality as in the holotype, 27–28.IV.2007, K. Kolesnichenko leg.).”

2.3. Literatur