VorkommenLinks (1)Fundmeldungen
Geschlecht nicht bestimmt

2. Diagnose

2.1. Geschlecht nicht bestimmt

2.2. Genitalien

2.2.1. Männchen
2.2.2. Weibchen

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Typenmaterial

Traugott-Olsen (1985: 171): “Material studied: 8 males and 11 females - genital preparations made of 4 males and 7 females.

The type is a male with the labels: Holotype (round with red edge), Genital praeparat nr. 5858 sex ♂. E. Traugott-Olsen (white), CRETA, Mr. Ida, Astiraki 500 m, 23.VII.1984 (lux) G. Baldizzone leg. (white), Elachista nedaella n.sp. det. E. Traugott-Olsen (white).

The paratypes have all equal labels and the slide nos. of the males are 5855, 5861 and 5859.- The numbers of the female slides: 5826, 5845, 5848, 5857, 5863, 5873 and 5874.

The type will be kept in Zoologisk Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 København Ø, Denmark.

The paratypes will be shared between col. G. Baldizzone, Asti, Italy and col. E. Traugott-Olsen, Marbella, Spain.”

3.2. Literatur

  • Kaila, L. & J. Junnilainen (2002): Taxonomy and identification of Elachista cingillella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) and its close relatives (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae), with descriptions of two new species. — Entomologica Fennica 13 (3): 167-188. [PDF auf journal.fi]
  • Erstbeschreibung: Traugott-Olsen, E. (1985): Three new Elachista–species & supplement to the description of the five n.sp. from Sierra Nevada. — SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología 13 (51): 169-174, pl. 1-4.

3.3. Informationen auf anderen Websites (externe Links)