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3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Taxonomie

Landry et al. (2017) melden vorsichtige Zweifel an der Artberechtigung an: "Povolný (1990) distinguished the species solely on the shape of the signum of the holotype, even though the shape of the antrum, which he considered to afford differences among species of Agonochaetia, falls within the individual variation of A. terrestrella. Therefore those two taxa may well prove to be conspecific in the future (Povolný 2002b; Huemer & Karsholt 2010)."

3.2. Faunistik

Die Art wurde nach einem einzelnen Weibchen aus Slivno in Bulgarien beschrieben. Auch Landry et al. (2017) können keine weiteren Nachweise melden.

3.3. Typenmaterial

Povolný (1990: 150) beschrieb die Art nach einem einzigen ♀: “Holotype ♀, «Slivno, Rebel, Juni 96» - «Mn. 3222» - «Holotypus det. Povolný, Agonochaetia quartana n. sp., 1990»; Coll. Zoologische Staatssammlung, München.”

Nach den Ausführungen von Landry et al. (2017) ist der Aufbewahrungsort zu korrigieren: "The type locality was erroneously assigned to the Julian Alps in former Yugoslavia (now Slovenia) by Povolný (1990) but it is in fact situated in Bulgaria. The holotype was collected by Hans Rebel, a famous Austrian lepidopterist and former director of the Natural History Museum in Vienna, during an expedition to Bulgaria in 1896. According to Rebel (1903) all material collected at that time is property of the Natural History Museum in Vienna and not of ZSM as stated by Povolný (1990). It seems likely that the holotype is one of the two specimens published as dark form of Lutilabria lutilabrella (Mann, 1857) [Gelechia lutilabrella] (Rebel 1903)."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.4. Literatur