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3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Nel (2012: 104): « Derivatio nominis

« cottiennella » car la localité-type de Montgenèvre est située en plein cœur des Alpes Cottiennes. »

3.2. Andere Kombinationen

3.3. Taxonomie

Aarvik et al. (2017: 163) teilen mit: "We consider Aproaerema anthyllidella (Hübner, 1813), type species of the genus Aproaerema Durrant, 1897, as subordinate within the genus Syncopacma, 1925. Aproaerema has priority. This change of name is prompted because Landry & Roque-Albelo (2010) suggested that Untomia Busck, 1906 is a further senior synonym of Syncopacma. Wir müssen also jetzt alle 27 bisherigen Syncopacma-Arten in die Gattung Aproaerema stellen.

Huemer & van Nieukerken (2021: 321) merken zur Artberechtigung an: "The DNA barcode sequence of the holotype was already published by Huemer et al. (2020) and clearly differs from all other European Aproaerema (a senior synonym of Syncopacma), thus supporting a separate species."

3.4. Typenmaterial

Nel (2012: 102): « Holotype mâle : Bauchas, col de Montgenèvre, 1850 m, Hautes-Alpes, 26 juillet 2011, J. Nel leg., prép. gen. JN n° 25656, collection J. Nel à La Ciotat, sera déposé ultérieurement au Tiroler Landesmuseen Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck, Autriche.

Allotype femelle : route du Col de Montgenèvre, 1800 m, Hautes-Alpes, 1er août 1998, J. Nel leg., prép. Gen. JN n° 7833, collection J. Nel à La Ciotat. »

3.5. Literatur