1. Live pictures
1.1. Imago
1: Australia, New South Wales, Bringelly west of Sydney, agricultural area, 20. November 2009 (det. & phot: Mario Finkel)Forum
2-3: ♂, Australia, Australian Capital Territory, Canberra, botanical garden, 550 m, 19. February 2017 (det. & phot.: Wolfgang Hackbusch)Forum
4-5: ♀, Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, botanical garden, 15. February 2009 (det. & phot.: Wolfgang Hackbusch)Forum
1.2. Copula
1: Australia, Australian Capital Territory, Canberra, summit of Mount Ainslie, 843 m, 13. December 2014 (det. & phot.: Wolfgang Hackbusch)Forum
2. Diagnosis
2.1. Original description
1: Godart ([1824]: 680) [Copyright-free Scan on www.biodiversitylibrary.org]
3. Further information
3.1. Other combinations
- Polyommatus labradus Godart, [1824] [Original combination]
- Zizina otis labradus (Godart, [1824]) [so bei Emmerson & Hoare (2019)]
3.2. Synonyms
- Lycaena novae-hollandiae [= novaehollandiae] Felder, 1862 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Lycaena communis Herrich-Schäffer, 1869 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Lycaena phoebe Murray, 1873 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Cupido delicata Tepper, 1882 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Lycaena pervulgatus Guest, 1882 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Polyommatus frequens Scott, 1890; (unavail.) [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Zizera subcoerulea Holland, 1900 [synonym according to funet.fi]
3.3. Subspecies
- Zizina labradus oxleyi (Felder & Felder, 1865) [subspecies according to funet.fi]
- Zizina labradus labdalon Waterhouse & Lyell, 1914 [subspecies according to funet.fi]
- Zizina labradus cheesmanae (Riley, 1929) [subspecies according to funet.fi]
3.4. Faunistics
The species was described from Australia. Emmerson & Hoare (2019) are not sure whether it should be considered an adventive species in New Zealand or not. In Albany (Auckland) it is listed by them as "common".
(author: Erwin Rennwald)
3.5. Literature
- Dos Passos, C. F. (1958): The dates and authorships of the names proposed in volume 9 of Encyclopédie méthodique by Godart and Latreille, 1819-[1824]. — The Lepidopterists' News 12 (3-4): 119-120 [PDF auf images.peabody.yale.edu].
- Emmerson, A. & R. Hoare (2019): Lepidoptera from Redvale, Albany, north of Auckland, New Zealand, 2004-2016: an annotated list. — The Weta, 53: 43-70. [/weta.ento.org.nz]
- Original description: Latreille & Godart [1824]: Encyclopédie méthodique. Histoire naturelle. Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des crustacés, des arachnides et des insectes 9 (2): 329-828. Paris (Agasse).