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2. Biologie

2.1. Nahrung der Raupe

Noch unbekannt! Sachkov & Zolotuhin (2020: 591-592) sind aber überzeugt davon, dass Ephedra distachya die Nahrungspflanze sein muss. Sie schreiben: "Biology. Poorly known. Moths are rather uncommon and very local, connected to clay opening habitats with abundant ephedra (Ephedra distachya L.) growing on southern and western slopes of ravines in grass and carbonate steppes. The biotope of the holotype is situated at 53°05’N, 47°23’E, 130 m above sea level, representing a well warmed up and insolated slope with sparse steppe vegetation (Figs 18, 19). Main components of this vegetation are different tussock cereals (Poaceae and Carecaceae), combined with Linum spp., Echium vulgare L., Centaurea spp., Astragalus spp., Thymus pulegioides subsp. pannonicus (All.) Kerguélen (syn.: Thymus marschallianus (Willd.) Soó), Fragaria moschata (Duchesne) Duchesne, Euphorbia spp., low Allium spp., Jurinea spp. and numerous xerophyte Artemisia species. Ephedra bushes are locally abundant here (Fig. 19), teeming ample fruits in July (Fig. 20). Moths were collected during June and again in early August developing highly likely two generations per season. They unwillingly attracted by light, and were collected/observed mostly before sunset or in early dusk flying low over the grass. During daytime, they supposedly hide in the soil cracks. Host plant is unknown but it is supposedly ephedra, because moths are known only from very local spots with abundant presence of this rare bush, and their characters suggest that they belong to a group of Ephedra-feeding Ypsolopha."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Sachkov & Zolotuhin (2020: 592): “The species name is derived from the Latin word admirandus—‘amazing’, referring to the unexpected and rather surprising presence of the new species in the otherwise well-studied area.”

3.2. Typenmaterial

Sachkov & Zolotuhin (2020: 588): “Holotype: ♂ (Fig. 2), Russia, Ulyanovsk Region, Nikolaevka District, vic. of Akulovka vill., 20.VI 2001 [V. Zolotuhin leg.] (LSU).

The following labels designate the holotype specimen: white rectangular, printed in black ink in Russian «Ульяновская обл. | Николаевский р. | Акуловка | 20. VI. 2001» and white rectangular with black frame, printed in black ink «10788 | Колл. СамГУ». The specimen is supplied with an additional red rectangular label printed in black ink: “HOLOTYPUS ♂| Ypsolopha admirandella | Satshkov & Zolotuhin sp. n.“”

3.3. Literatur