In Europa nicht etabliert (verschlepptes Einzelexemplar in Wales)!
1. Live pictures
1.1. Imago
1: Australien, New South Wales, Sydney, Botanischer Garten, 19. November 2015, Tagfund (det. & fot.: Wolfgang Hackbusch)Forum
2: Australien, Australian Capital Territory, Canberra, 11. Dezember 2015, Tagfund (det. & fot.: Wolfgang Hackbusch)Forum
3-4: Thailand, Petchabun, Kisuthill Hotel, 1. April 2010 (fot.: Horst Schlüter), det. Roland BreithauptForum
5: Bhutan, Punakha, Punakha, Flußufer, ca. 1000 m, 17. April 3018, Tagfund (det. (cf.) & fot.: Oskar Jungklaus), det. (cf.) Michel KettnerForum
6-7: Australien, Mornington Peninsula, Mornington, Fenster, Garten, 20 m, 23. Februar 2022, Tagfund (det. & fot.: Eckhard Schaefer)Forum
2. Diagnosis
2.1. Original description
1-2: Hampson (1907: 239-240) [from copyright-free scans at]
3. Further information
3.1. Subspecies
- Utetheisa pulchelloides marshallorum Rothschild, 1910 [subspecies according to]
- Utetheisa pulchelloides umata Jordan, 1939 [subspecies according to]
- Utetheisa pulchelloides aphanis Jordan, 1939 [subspecies according to]
- Utetheisa pulchelloides darwini Jordan, 1939 [subspecies according to]
- Utetheisa pulchelloides papuana Jordan, 1939 [subspecies according to]
- Utetheisa pulchelloides vaga Jordan, 1939 [subspecies according to]
3.2. Faunistics
Agassiz et al. (2013: 122) list this species among the "adventive species" in the British Isles and wrote about Wales: "One Pengam Green, Cardiff, 2008: (Clancy et al., 2012: 591). Dead on discovery. Indo-Australian."
Nach [Global Biodiversity Information Facility] kommt die Art in Australien, Indien, Guam, Neuseeland, Thailand, Franz. Polynesien, Indonesien, Sri Lanka, Tonga, Marshallinseln, Seychellen, Taiwan, Fidschi, Vietnam, Kanada?, cocos, Cooksinseln, Macronesien, Hongkong, Laos, Philippinen und Vanuatu vor.
(Autor: Michel Kettner)
3.3. Literature
- Agassiz, D.J.L., Beavan, S.D. & R.J. Heckford (2013): Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles. - Royal Entomological Society. 206pp.
- Original description: Hampson, G. F. (1907): Descriptions of new Genera and Species of Syntomidæ, Arctiadæ, and Noctuidæ. — The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Including Zoology, Botany, and Geology. Seventh series 19: 221-257. London (Taylor and Francis).