Version 3 / 4 vom 20. Oktober 2023 um 13:32:05 von Jürgen Rodeland
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3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Typenmaterial

Nekrutenko & Effendi (1990: 69): “Holotype ♂ USSR: Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic: Talysh Mountains: Zuvand: Hili-dara: 1800 m: 10. V. 1971: R. Effendi leg. Paratypes: 9 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, same label data. Type material is located in the collection of the Institute of Zoology, Azerbaijan S.S.R. Academy of Sciences (Baku) and in private collections of Mr. A. V. Tsvetajev, Prof. Dr. A. M. Sladkov and Mr. V. A. Ganson (Moscow). Holotype and figured paratype female are located in the Lepidoptera Collection, Zoological Institute, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences (Leningrad).”

3.2. Literatur