VorkommenLinks (5)Fundmeldungen

2. Diagnose

2.1. Erstbeschreibung

3. Biologie

3.1. Nahrung der Raupe

  • [Rhamnaceae:] Paliurus spina-christi [= Paliurus aculeatus] (Christusdorn)

Einzige bisher bekannte Nahrungspflanze der Raupen ist der Christusdorn (Paliurus spina-christi) (Familie Rhamnaceae) [in der Originalbeschreibung Paliurus aculeatus Lam. genannt].

4. Weitere Informationen

4.1. Nomenklatur

Die Fauna Europaea vermerkt zum Autor der Art: "The description by (Gerasimov, A. 1937) was previously regarded as unavailable as it was based on mines (after 1930, ICZN art. 13.6.2), and consequently Klimesch, 1940 was often cited as author. However, also characters of the larva are given by Gerasimov, and thus the description fullfills the code (article 13.1) despite the brief description."

Nieukerken et al. (2016) wiederholen das: "14 Stigmella paliurella Gerasimov, 1937. Previously the author for this species was given as (Klimesch, 1941), because Gerasimov (1937) based the name on the leafmine (van Nieukerken 1986a), following the rule that names based on the work of an animal published after 1930 are excluded from zoological nomenclature (ICZN art. 13.6.2). However, since Gerasimov also describes characters of the larva, the description fulfils the code (article 13.1), despite the brief description (van Nieukerken 2013) and the name is available and valid."

4.2. Typenmaterial

In der nur 12 Zeilen langen Originalbeschreibung macht Gerasimov (1937: 285) keine präzisen Angaben zu den Typen: „Die Art kommt wahrscheinlich in mehreren Bruten vor: in der Krim fand ich Raupen verschiedener Größe im August und im Kaukasus (Stadt Sotzi) im Oktober.“

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

4.3. Literatur

4.4. Informationen auf anderen Websites (externe Links)