Artstatus unklar
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2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Gyulai (2021: 47): “Holotype. Male (Fig. 29), Iran, Prov. Khorasan, Kopetdagh Mts., 60 km. N of Qucan, 2100 m, 5. VI. 2010, leg. B. Benedek & T. Hácz, slide no. GYP 5409 (coll. PGYM, later to be deposited in the HNHM). Paratypes. 2♂♂, with the same data, (coll. PGYM); 2♂♂, 1♀ Iran, Prov. Khorasan, Kopetdagh Mts., 40 km. N of Qucan, 2100 m, 4–5. VI. 2010, leg. B. Benedek & T. Hácz (coll. PGYM); 1♀, Turkmenistan, Kopetdagh Mts, Dushak, 2300 m, 2. X. 1991, leg. Podlussány, L. Ronkay & Z. Varga (coll. ZVD); 1♀, Kopet Dagh Mts. valley of rivers Ipay Kala & Point Kala, 800–1500 m, 30. VI.–4. VII. leg. Fábián, Herczig, Podlussány & Varga (coll. ZVD); 1♂, Iran, Khorasan Razavi, Kuh–e–Binalud Mts., Darrod t. vicinity, 1720 m, 12.V. 2017, leg. E. Gavristchuk (coll. MDC); slide nos. GYP 5393f, 5409m, VZ 10473f”

2.2. Taxonomie

Rajaei & al. (2023: 354) geben zu bedenken: “The status of this recently described species should be revised due to its high similarity with S. socors (Corti, 1925).

2.3. Literatur