VorkommenLinks (6)Fundmeldungen
Original description

1. Live pictures

1.1. Imago

2. Diagnosis

2.1. Original description

3. Further information

3.1. Other combinations

3.2. Synonyms

  • Acidalia obturbata Walker, 1861 [synonym according to funet.fi]
  • Acidalia perfectaria Walker, 1861 [synonym according to funet.fi]
  • Acidalia faeculentaria Mabille, 1879 [synonym according to funet.fi]
  • Craspedia rufimixtaria Warren, 1900 [synonym according to funet.fi]
  • Acidalia caesarea Fuchs, 1902 [synonym according to funet.fi]
  • Scopula defecta Prout, 1933 [synonym according to funet.fi]

3.3. Faunistics

Nach [Global Biodiversity Information Facility] kommt die Art in Südafrika, Australien, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Oman, Jemen, Indien, Botswana, Réunion, Sri Lanka, Swasiland, Thailand, Taiwan, Mayotte, Simbabwe, Kambodscha und Malawi vor.

Locus typicus gemäß Erstbeschreibung: Colombo, Ceylon [Sri Lanka].

(Autor: Michel Kettner)

3.4. Literature

  • Hausmann, A. & P. Hebert (2009): Order Lepidoptera, family Geometridae (Part 2). The Geometridae of the UAE revised in the light of mtDNA data. — Arthropod fauna of the UAE 2: 468-479.
  • Original description: Walker, F. (1861): List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum 22: 499-755.

3.5. Information at other websites (external links)