VorkommenLinks (10)Fundmeldungen

2. Diagnose

2.1. Männchen

2.2. Erstbeschreibung

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Faunistik

Nach der Fauna Europaea (Fauna Europaea Web Service. Last update 22 December 2009. Version 2.1. Available online at [http://fauna.naturkundemuseum-berlin.de]): "artificially introduced from New Zealand to England, but with established populations over several years, cf. (James, T. 2008)".

Lopez-Vaamonde et al. (2010: 608) schrieben dazu: "There are 1,024 species of geometrids native to Europe, but only one non-native species appears to have naturalized in Europe. This is Pseudocoremia suavis (Butler, 1879), an endemic geometrid to New Zealand (Berndt et al. 2004), which was recorded on five separate occasions in Cornwall in 2007 (James 2008, Skinner 2009), suggesting establishment in the wild. This species, polyphagous on various gymnosperms, represents a potential risk to European conifer forests."

Emmerson & Hoare (2019: 64) schrieben zu Albany (Auckland, Neuseeland): "Endemic" und: "Abundant in summer, recorded all year round."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.2. Literatur

3.3. Informationen auf anderen Websites (externe Links)