VorkommenLinks (4)Fundmeldungen

2. Diagnose

2.1. Männchen

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Andere Kombinationen

3.2. Synonyme

  • Lycaena pulchra Sheljuzhko, 1928 [nach Bernardi (1951) primäres Homonym von Lycaena pulchra Murray, 1874]

3.3. Unterarten

3.4. Faunistik

Nach [Global Biodiversity Information Facility] kommt die Art in Tadschikistan vor.

(Autor: Michel Kettner)

3.5. Nomenklatur

Bernardi (1951) stellte den Ersatznamen Lysandra pulchella wegen der primären Homonymie von Lycaena pulchra Sheljuzhko, 1928 zu Lycaena pulchra Murray, 1874 auf.

Lamas (2008: 52) äußert sich dazu:

Lysandra pulchella Bernardi, 1951: 30. Junior secondary homonym of Polyommatus (Erina) pulchella Swainson, 1833: pl. 134.

Lysandra pulchella was introduced by Bernardi (1951) as a replacement name for Lycaena pulchra Sheljuzhko, 1928, a junior primary homonym of Lycaena pulchra Murray, 1874 (currently Leptotes pulchra – Ackery et al., 1995). Eckweiler & Häuser (1997) ignored Bernardi's name and mistakenly accepted pulchra Sheljuzhko (emended to pulcher) as a valid species of Polyommatus Latreille, 1804. Polyommatus (Erina) pulchella is currently regarded as a junior subjective synonym of Candalides xanthospilos (Hübner, 1817) (Edwards et al., 2001).”

Im Abstract derselben Arbeit schreibt Lamas (2008: 47): “Nine oher [sic, recte: other] junior secondary homonyms are discussed, but no new replacement names are proposed for them because they are no longer considered congeneric with their senior homonyms.”

(Autor: Jürgen Rodeland)

3.6. Literatur

3.7. Informationen auf anderen Websites (externe Links)