Version 10 (neueste) vom 30. November 2023 um 22:12:22 von Erwin Rennwald
2. Diagnosis
2.1. Original description
1: Guenée (1852: 437) [from copyright-free scan at]
3. Further information
3.1. Synonyms
- Pantydia recondita Walker, [1858] [synonym according to]
- Toxocampa orthosiodes Walker, 1865 [synonym according to]
3.2. Faunistics
This Australian species is now living in New Zealand, too. Emmerson & Hoare (2019: 66) wrote about this adventive species: "Abundant in summer, recorded in every month. This species was first discovered in Northland in February 2004 by Neville Hudson. Two more fresh specimens were collected in Northland in July 2004, indicating the species had established. The first Auckland record was on Tiritiri Matangi Island in October 2007 andit appeared at Wright Rd in 2007. Since then it has become one of the commonest noctuoids in the trap."
(Author: Erwin Rennwald)
3.3. Literature
- Emmerson, A. & R. Hoare (2019): Lepidoptera from Redvale, Albany, north of Auckland, New Zealand, 2004-2016: an annotated list. — The Weta, 53: 43-70. [/]
- Original description: Guenée (1852): Noctuélites 2. = Boisduval & Guenée (1852): Histoire naturelle des insectes. Species général des lépidoptères 6: 1-444. Paris (Roret).