VorkommenLinks (11)Fundmeldungen

1. Lebendfotos

1.1. Falter

2. Diagnose

2.1. Männchen

2.2. Weibchen

2.3. Erstbeschreibung

3. Biologie

3.1. Habitat

4. Weitere Informationen

4.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

„altnordische Schicksalsgöttin.“

Spuler 1 (1908: 41L)

4.2. Andere Kombinationen

4.3. Synonyme

4.4. Taxonomie

Aarvik et al. (2017) erläutern: "Oeneis norna (Thunberg, 1791) may be a species complex in the Fennoscandia. This is supported by the split of DNA barcodes into three distinct clusters, making O. norna appearing polyphyletic in DNA barcode trees, but also by apparent between-population differences in the male genitalia. Oeneis include many additional species in northern Russia and the taxonomy of the genus appears unfinished. Further taxonomic study is required to clarify the situation, for which reason we prefer to consider them all as O. norna until further information is available."

4.5. Literatur