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3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Taxonomie

Huemer & Karsholt (2018) fanden bisher kein für ein Barcoding geeignetes Exemplar; ein genetischer Vergleich mit verwandten Arten war daher bislang nicht möglich.

3.2. Faunistik

Locus typicus nach Amsel (1954: 55): Malta, Salina. Die Art ist bisher nur durch die 3 Exemplare der Typenserie von Malta und durch ein einziges von Huemer & Karsholt (2018) untersuchtes Exemplar von Spanien bekannt: "Non-type material. Spain. 1 ♂, prov. Cadiz, 10 km NW Tarifa, Punta Paloma, 30.iii.-4.iv.1994, leg. H. van der Wolf, genitalia slide 5347 Karsholt (RCHW)."

3.3. Typenmaterial

Huemer & Karsholt (2018) teilen zu dem von ihnen untersuchten Typenmaterial mit::

"Holotype ♂, “MALTA SALINA 16.III.52. Coll. Delucca” “Type” “Gen. prep. Nr. 5092 ♂ O. Karsholt” (RCCDL).

Paratype. 1 ♂, same data as holotype, but 31.iii.1952, genitalia slide 1850 Amsel (SMNK)."

Sie vermerken weiter dazu: "Megacraspedus lativalvellus was described from three males collected in Malta in March 1952 by C. De Lucca (Amsel, 1954). The holotype and one paratype were kept in the collection of Carmello De Lucca. After his death in 1971 the collection stayed with the family and was not curated, with the result that it suffered much from attack by pest insects (P Sammut in litt.). With the help from Paul Sammut we were able to borrow these two type specimens, but only the pins and labels were left – apart from the tip of the abdomen of the holotype, from which an almost complete genitalia slide could be prepared, however, leaving the apex of the phallus broken. The second paratype in SMNK is in relatively good condition."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.4. Literatur