Version 8 (neueste) vom 15. Dezember 2023 um 16:58:46 von Jürgen Rodeland
1. Live pictures
1.1. Imago
1: Thailand, Khao Sok, 1. January 2013 (fot.: Florian Nantscheff), det. Roland BreithauptForum
2. Diagnosis
2.1. Original description, figure indicated therein, and text to the figure
1-3: Cramer ([1776]: 153, pl. XCII fig. A, 144) [from copyright-free scans at]
3. Further information
3.1. Other combinations
- Phalaena manlia Cramer, [1776] [original combination]
3.2. Synonyms
- Noctua squalida Fabricius, 1787 [synonym according to]
- Potamophora amboinensis Felder, 1862 [synonym according to]
3.3. Year of publication of the original description
Only the “Naamwyzer van de dag- en nagt-kapellen” – pp. 151-155 in the first volume of “uitlandsche kapellen” – is relevant for the year of publication, because this is the only binominal part of the volume. According to Hemming (1958: 41), these pages were published in 1776.
(Author: Jürgen Rodeland)
3.4. Literature
- Original description: Cramer, P. (“1779”) [1775-1776]: De uitlandsche kapellen voorkomende in de drie waereld-deelen Asia, Africa en America 1: I-XXX, 1-155, pl. I-CXVI. Amsteldam (S. J. Baalde), Utrecht (Barthelemy Wild).
- Hemming, F. (1958): Opinion 516. — Opinions and Declarations Rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 19 (1): 1-44. London.