VorkommenLinks (6)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Hausmann & László (1999: 318): “Holotype — Male, "Turkmenistan, Kopet-Dagh Mts, 800 m, valley of Ipay-Kala, 15 km SW Nochur, 26.VI.1992, leg. Fábián, Herczig, Podlussány and Varga". Deposited in ZSM. Paratypes — "Turkmenistan, Kopet-Dagh Mts., 800-1500 m, valley of the rivers Ipay-Kala and Point-Kala, 30. VI.-4.VII. 1992, leg. Fábián, Herczig, Podlussány and Varga". Deposited in collections of ZSM, Gy. M. László, HNHM.”

2.2. Literatur