Version 9 (neueste) vom 22. Oktober 2024 um 11:17:48 von Jürgen Rodeland
2. Diagnosis
2.1. Original description, figures indicated therein, and text to the figures
1-4: Cramer & Stoll [1780]: 174, pl. CCLXIX figs. E-F, 140 [from copyright-free scans at]
3. Further information
3.1. Other combinations
- Phalaena caranea Cramer, [1780] [original combination]
3.2. Synonyms
- Hypopyra fusifascia Walker, 1869 [synonym according to]
- Hulodes mediomaculata (Warren, 1913) [synonym according to]
3.3. Faunistics
Nach [Global Biodiversity Information Facility] kommt die Art in Taiwan, Australien, Indien, Singapur, Thailand, Hongkong, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesien, Philippinen, Kambodscha, China, Papua-Neuguinea, Brunei, Myanmar, Nördliche Marianen und Vietnam vor.
Locus typicus gemäß Erstbeschreibung: Batavia [heute die indonesische Hauptstadt Jakarta].
(Autor: Michel Kettner)
3.4. Year of publication of the original description
According to Hemming (1958: 42), volume 3 of „De uitlandsche kapellen“ has the following publication years and authorships
- 1-104, pl. CXCIII-CCLII Cramer [1779]
- 105-176, pl. CCLIII-CCLXXXVIII Cramer & Stoll [1780] (“Written by Cramer and published after his death by Caspar Stoll”)
(Author: Jürgen Rodeland)
3.5. Literature
- Original description: Cramer, P. (“1782”) [1779-1780]: De uitlandsche kapellen voorkomende in de drie waereld-deelen Asia, Africa en America 3: 1-176, pl. CICIII-CCLXXXVIII. Amsteldam (S. J. Baalde), Utrecht (Barthelemy Wild).
- Hemming, F. (1958): Opinion 516. — Opinions and Declarations Rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 19 (1): 1-44. London.