VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Razowski (1963: 256): “Holotype (♂): „S. W. Persia, Shiraz, hilly steppe, 6000 ft., 5. VI. [19]50, FF. 68, E. P. Wiltshire“, G. Sl. 5725. Allotype (♀) labelles as holotype, G. Sl. 5726. Typoids (4 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀): 5 specimens labelled as holotype; „Shiraz, S. Persia, Fars, 6500 ft., 30. IV. [19]40, E. P. Wiltshire“, G. Sl. 5741, 1 specimen; „Persia, Fars, Dasht-i-Bam, 4. V. [19]50, 4000 ft. FF. 95“, G. Sl. 5752 and 5753, 2 specimens. Holotype, allotype and 4 typoids in coll. of Dr. H. G. Amsel, 3 typoids in author's coll.”

2.2. Literatur