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2. Diagnose

2.1. Erstbeschreibung

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Taxonomie

Kaila (2019: 59) teilt mit: “E. flammeaepennella Costa, 1836 was synonymized with E. subocellea (Stephens, 1834) by Tremewan (1977: 222). This synonymy has been followed since, even though the otherwise recognized geographic distribution of E. subocellea does not extend to the Napoli area, the type locality of E. flammeaepennella. The painting of E. flammeaepennella O. G. Costa, 1836 in the original description (Plate V, fig. 8A) displays brighter forewing pattern and darker hindwings than observed in E. subocellea. Examination of genitalia of recent specimens from Napoli display significant differences in both male and female genitalia between E. subocellea and the specimens from Napoli. The verbal description: “Alis anticis flaviis, fasciis duabus albis, punctis minutissimis atris adspersis; fimbria longa cinerea nigro-punctulata: alis posticis plumbeis”, also points out towards a brighter-colored species than E. subocellea. Based on this evidence, E. flammeaepennella is here considered a valid species., stat. rev.”

3.2. Nomenklatur

Costa beschrieb die Art im Genus Elachista, Subgenus Ornix.

3.3. Datierung und Paginierung der Erstbeschreibung

Hemming (1957) (= Direction 59 ICZN) datiert die Publikation Costas, führt wegen der unübersichtlichen Seitenzählung des Bandes eine neue Pagination in eckigen Klammern ein und macht Vorschläge, wie die Tafeln unverwechselbar zitiert werden können. Wir folgen der Direction 59.

(Autor: Jürgen Rodeland)

3.4. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Costa, O.-G. (1832-1836): Fauna del regno di Napoli ossia enumerazione di tutti gli aminali che abitano le diverse regioni di questo regno e le acque che le bagnano contenente la descrizione de nuovi o poco esattamente conosciuti con figure ricavate da originali viventi e dipinte al naturale. Lepidotteri: [1]-[442], 38 pl. Napoli (dai torchi del tramater).
  • Hemming, F. [ed.] (1957): Direction 59. Determination (a) of the method to be followed in citing for the purposes of zoological nomenclature the several portions in which the Lepidotteri volume by Orenzio Gabriele Costa of the work entitled Fauna del Regno di Napoli were published, and (b) of the dates which for the foregoing purposes are to be assigned to each of those portions. — Opinions and Declarations Rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 15 (16): i-xviii. [Digitalisat auf biodiversitylibrary.org]
  • Kaila, L. (2019): An annotated catalogue of Elachistinae of the World (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Elachistidae). — Zootaxa 4632 (1): 1-231. [PDF (open access) auf mapress.com]
  • Tremewan, W. G. (1977): The publications on Lepidoptera by O. G. and A. Costa and the nominal taxa described therein. — Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Historical Series 5 (3): 213–232. [Digitalisat auf biodiversitylibrary.org]