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2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Traugott-Olsen (2000: 67): “Note. The collector Georg Christensen was a Dane who spent his later years in Monemvasia Greece, but was an active entomologist in Denmark in his youth.”

2.2. Faunistik

Nach der [Fauna Europaea] kommt die Art in Griechenland vor.

2.3. Typenmaterial

Traugott-Olsen (2000: 66): “Holotype, male, Hellas, Lakonia, 5 km S. Monemvasia, 6-X-1983, leg. Georg Christensen; gen. prep. 6572/ETO; wing prep. 6573/ETO; Elachista christenseni sp. n. det. E. Traugott-Olsen, - in Coll. ZMUC.

Paratypes, all leg. Georg Christensen – 1 male, same data as type, abdomen in situ, leg. 30-VI-1984; 1 male, same data as holotype leg. 21-IX-1983; gen. prep. 6591/ETO; 1 female same data as holotype, leg. 4-VIII-1979; gen. prep. 6584/ETO. All paratypes are labelled Elachista christenseni sp. n. det. E. Traugott-Olsen. 16 January 2000”.

2.4. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Traugott-Olsen, E. (2000): Variation in Elachista biatomella (Stainton, 1848). A review of the species-group, with description of four new species (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae). — SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología 28 (109): 63-90.