VorkommenLinks (3)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Faunistik

Boursin (1968: 62) hatte seine neue Art nach einem Einzelfalter aus dem zentralen bis östlichen Bereich Afghanistans beschrieben. Titov et al. (2023: 77-78) berichten über die weiteren Nachweise: "Dasypolia eberti Boursin, 1967 belongs to the Dasypolia rjabovi (Bundel, 1966) species-group including the largest species in the genus. The species was described from eastern Afghanistan (Boursin 1967) and was subsequently found in Tajikistan (Ronkay & Varga 1990; Rajabova & Matov 2020; Benedek et al. 2021), Kyrgyzstan (Ronkay & Varga 1990; Korb et al. 2017), and southeastern Kazakhstan (Ronkay & Varga 1990). The species was recorded from Kazakhstan via illustration of its female genitalia captioned as “Alma-Ata” (Ronkay & Varga 1990: fig. 28) without the data on the slide number, exact locality, and depository institution being provided. In the course of examination of the Noctuidae materials deposited in Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia), it turned out that two females from Kazakhstan including the aforementioned one are deposited there and originate from the locality situated south of the city of Almaty in the Transili Alatau mountain range belonging to the Northern Tien Shan massif. Additionally, a further, male specimen has recently been collected by the senior author of the present paper in western Dzhungar Alatau Mountains, which is more than 200 km northeast from Almaty and represents the northernmost known locality of the species." S. 81 fassen sie dann zusammen: "The species is currently known from eastern and southeastern Afghanistan (Boursin 1967), Tajikistan (Ronkay & Varga 1990; Rajabova & Matov 2020; Benedek et al. 2021), Kyrgyzstan (Ronkay & Varga 1990; Korb et al. 2017), and southeastern Kazakhstan (Ronkay & Varga 1990) (Fig. 10). In the western Dzhungar Alatau Mountains, the species was found in a rocky gorge with shrubby steppe vegetation at an altitude of 1246 meters above sea level (Fig. 11)."

Zu dem neuesten östlichsten Verbreitungspunkt im Südosten Kasachstans kommt durch Rajaei et al. (2023: 340) auch ein neuer westlichster Nachweis im Iran (Khorasan-e Razavi). Das jetzt bekannte Vorkommen erstreckt sich damit über fast 2.000 km von Südwest nach Nordost.

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

2.2. Typenmaterial

Boursin (1968: 62) beschrieb die Art nach einem einzigen Falter: « Holotype : 1 ♀, Afghanistan central, Hazaradjat, Koh i Baba, Shah Fuladi, 3500 m, 3 - 6 juillet 1961 (G. Ebert leg.) (Zool. Staatssammlung, Munich). »

2.3. Literatur