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3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Typenmaterial

Lees & Stonis (2007: 38) beschrieben die Art nach einem einzigen Falter: “Holotype: male, “Madagascar SE: Prov. Fianarantsoa Pref. Ambalavao S/P Ambohimahimasina, Ambondrombe Mt. Near Andranobazaha camp, GPS point “22G676” 21.8817°S 47.2495°E, elev. c. 1700 m. Tropical vegetation by stream, 160 W blended bulb on sheet near ground; vegetation had been disturbed; 23.iii.2004 c. 23:36; D.C. Lees. /Genitalia slide No 31441 (BMNH), collection number DL2028, institute # BMNH(E) #732343 (voucher specimen and treated genomic DNA from abdomen: plate #MSL160 H09). Extracted genomic DNA from leg only, plucked in field (BMNH(E) #678507, plate #MSL079 F06). Holotype deposition: BMNH.”

3.2. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Lees, D. C. & J. R. Stonis (2007): The first record of Tischeriidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera) from Madagascar, with description of Coptotriche alavelona sp. n. and an updated distributional checklist of Afrotropical Tischeriidae. — Zootaxa 1645: 35-45.