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3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Larsen (2023: 57) erklärt: "The species is named after the characteristic white markings which make the species quite easy to identify."

3.2. Faunistik

Larsen (2023: 57) führt die Art von Kenia und Südafrika an: "Kenya: Central and Rift Valley; Republic of South Africa: Limpopo province."

3.3. Typenmaterial

Larsen (2023: 55) stellt zusammen: "Holotype: ♂, Kenya: Central: Naro Moru, 0°9'4.99" S, 37°0'37.57" E, 3–6.xi.2013, 1960 m, leg. D. Agassiz, S. Beavan, R. Heckford, K. Larsen & M. Ngugi, coll. KL later ZMUC; gen. prep. ♂ 4372 KL. Paratypes: Kenya: 1 spec. Rift Valley, Lake Elementeita, 6000 ft, 15.xii.1999, leg. D.J.L. Agassiz, coll. Agassiz; gen. prep. ♀ 4373 KL; 1 spec. Rift Valley, Gilgil, 2100 m, 00˚32' S, 36˚22' E, 26.xi.2005, leg. D.J.L. Agassiz, coll. Agassiz; gen. prep. ♀ 4374 KL; 2 spec. Central: Naro Moru, 00°09'04.99" S, 37°00'37.57" E, 3–6.xi.2013, 1960 m, leg. D. Agassiz, S. Beavan, R. Heckford, K. Larsen & M. Ngugi, coll. KL; gen. prep. ♀ 4371 & ♀ 4375 KL. Republic of South Africa: 1 spec. Limpopo: 10 km WNW Louis Trichardt, Madi A Thavha Lodge, 23°01'02" S, 29°49'40" E, 1008 m, leg. K. Larsen & A. Kingston; gen. prep. ♀ 4701 KL."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.4. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Larsen, K. (2023): Description of a new species from Africa in genus Coccothera Meyrick, 1914, with additional taxonomic and faunistic information on two other Coccothera species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Grapholitini). — Metamorphosis. Lepidopterists' Society of Africa, 34: 50-58. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/met.v34i1.5.