VorkommenLinks (6)Fundmeldungen

1. Lebendfotos

1.1. Falter

2. Diagnose

2.1. Erstbeschreibung

3. Biologie

3.1. Nahrung der Raupe

  • [Moraceae:] Ficus reflexa

Gielis & Bippus (2016) zeigen Raupenfotos der Art auf Réunion an Ficus reflexa. Die Art dürfte auch noch an weiteren Feigen-Arten zu finden sein. Wie Choreutis nemorana lebt die Raupe auf der Blattoberseite unter einem sehr lockeren Gespinst und benagt von dort aus die Blattoberseite.

(Autor: erwin Rennwald)

4. Weitere Informationen

4.1. Andere Kombinationen

  • Simaethis aegyptiaca Zeller, 1867 [Originalkombination]

4.2. Synonyme

4.3. Taxonomie und Faunistik

Zeller (1867: 367) meldete in seiner Erstbeschreibung von "Simaethis aegyptiaca": "Das schön erhaltene Weibchen wurde in Cairo in einem Garten gefangen."

Rittner (2019: 63-65) meldet den ersten sicheren Nachweis aus Israel: "Central Coastal Plain: Bnei Zion, Haruzzin Nature Reserve [32°13'20"N 34°51'27"E], 16.v.2010, O. Rittner." Er erklärt: "Choreutis aegyptiaca (Zeller, 1867) was described from Cairo (Zeller 1867a) and since then recorded throughout the Afrotropics (incl. La Réunion and the Arabian Peninsula), India and Nepal (Meyrick 1914; Zachariades 1994; Gielis 2010; Gielis & Bippus 2016). Some authors (Koçak & Kemal 2012; Savela 2019a) have mentioned its presence in Israel, without, however, supporting their statements by actual records, or references to such records, of this species in the country. This situation might have been prompted by the tittle of the work (Zeller 1867b), where Ch. aegyptiaca was mentioned shortly after its description, and its occurrence in Israel has been taken for granted. The present note reports the first confirmed finding of Ch. aegyptiaca in Israel (Fig. 1), although this is neither unexpected nor surprising."

Das Synonym Eutromula hypocroca Diakonoff, 1978 wurde von Nepal beschrieben, das durch Gielis & Bippus (2016: 206) synonymisierte Taxon Anthophila latarniki Guilermet, 2010 von Réunion. Sie schreiben zur Art: "It has a wide distribution from Nepal and India to the west into northern Africa, and southwards in Africa as far as the Republic of South Africa (Diakonoff, 1986). In 1986, Diakonoff published a monograph on the Palaearctic species of the family Choreutidae. In this publication he listed Eutromula hypocroca Diakonoff, 1978 as a synonym of C. aegyptiaca (Zeller, 1867). Recently Guillermet published a book series on the Lepidoptera fauna of Réunion Island. In 2011, he published the part that treats Choreutidae. This family includes a species he described in 2010: Anthophila latarniki Guillermet, 2010. After checking male and female genitalia of the specimens from Réunion Island, and comparing those with the publications of Diakonoff and Guillermet, as well as comparing specimens of C. aegyptiaca in the NBC collection, it appears that all specimens belong to the same species: Choreutis aegyptiaca (Zeller, 1867) and therefore we formally synonymize A. latarniki with C. aeqyptiaca."

Peter Zahn zeigte am 19. April 2023 [im Lepiforum] ein Foto der Art mit Daten "Südafrika, KwaZulu-Natal, Ithala Game Reserve, Ntshondwe Camp, 1050 m, 27. Februar 2017, Lichtfang (Foto: Peter Zahn)".

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

4.4. Literatur