VorkommenLinks (4)Fundmeldungen
Original description

1. Live pictures

1.1. Imago

2. Diagnosis

2.1. Original description

3. Further information

3.1. Other combinations

3.2. Synonyms

  • Holochila hyacinthina Felder, 1862 (unavail.) [synonym according to funet.fi]

3.3. Subspecies

  • Candalides hyacinthina simplexa (Tepper, 1882) [subspecies according to funet.fi]
  • Candalides hyacinthina eugenia Waterhouse & Lyell, 1914 [subspecies according to funet.fi]
  • Candalides hyacinthina josephina Harris, 1952 [subspecies according to funet.fi]

3.4. Literature

  • Original description: Semper, G. (1879): Beitrag zur Rhopalocerenfauna von Australien. — Journal des Museum Godeffroy 5 (14): 138-194, pl. 8-9. Hamburg (L. Friederichsen & Co.).