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3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Corley & Goodey (2014) erläutern: „The species in named in honour of Alfred Edwin Eaton who collected the only specimen." In der Einleitung ist zu erfahren: "The Reverend Alfred Edwin Eaton (1845–1929) visited Portugal in April 1880, starting at Lisboa and travelling as far south as Silves in Algarve, then returning northwards with a diversion to Seia on the edge of Serra da Estrela, before continuing further north to Vila Real and on to Salamonde in Minho, finally leaving the country at the end of June."

3.2. Taxonomie

Die Beschreibung dieser Art beruht auf einem einzigen (weiblichen) Exemplar in nur mäßigem Erhaltungszustand; dies ist auch der Grund, warum sie so lange hinausgeschoben wurde. Corley & Goodey (2014) wagen es jetzt und merken an (S. 18): "Aroga eatoni sp. nov. BM gen. prep. 22938 female. Algarve: Foia, 21.v.1880. [Gelechia — ?]. Stainton considered this to be ‘rather allied to Gelechia viduella’ but did not want to describe a new species based on a single specimen not in first–rate condition. According to Huemer & Sattler (1995: 57) this is an undescribed species of Aroga. The specimen is currently in the main BMNH collection and represented by a pin and label in the Eaton collection. Huemer & Karsholt (1999) treated the European species of Aroga, but did not mention or take the opportunity to describe this species, probably for the same reason as Stainton gave, although they were aware of its existence (O. Karsholt, pers. comm.). With increased exploration of the Portuguese Microlepidoptera fauna over the last two decades there has been an expectation that additional specimens would be found. Unfortunately this has not occurred. In view of this and for the sake of completeness of the present review of Eaton’s material, it is appropriate to name and describe this species here. The description of the species follows at the end of this paper."

Huemer, P. & O. Karsholt (2020) nahmen die Art ohne Kommentar in ihre Liste der Gelechiidae Europas auf.

3.3. Faunistik

Locus typicus und einziger Fundort ist Portugal: Algarve, Monchique, Foia.

3.4. Typenmaterial

Corley & Goodey (2014: 21) teilen mit: "Holotype ♀, [Portugal: Algarve, Monchique, Foia] 21.v.[18]80. BM ♀ Genitalia slide 22938. Gelechia nr. viduella det. Stt. 1881: 247, in BMNH. [Labels illustrated in Fig. 2.]"

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.5. Literatur