VorkommenLinks (7)Fundmeldungen
Original description

1. Live pictures

1.1. Imago

2. Diagnosis

2.1. Original description

3. Further information

3.1. Other combinations

3.2. Synonyms

3.3. Faunistics

The species was described from New Zealand. Emmerson & Hoare (2019: 64) wrote about Albany (Auckland, New Zealand): "Native" and "Only recorded once; 24 November 2012."

[butterflyhouse.com.au] wrotes: "The species occurs in New Zealand, and the southern half of Australia".

(Author: Erwin Rennwald)

3.4. Literature

  • Emmerson, A. & R. Hoare (2019): Lepidoptera from Redvale, Albany, north of Auckland, New Zealand, 2004-2016: an annotated list. — The Weta, 53: 43-70. [/weta.ento.org.nz]
  • Original description: White, A. & E. Doubleday (1843): List of the Annulose Animals hitherto recorded as found in New Zealand, with Descriptions of some New Species. — In: Dieffenbach, E. (1843) Travels in New Zealand; with contributions to the geography, geology, botany, and natural history of that country. Vol. II: 265-295. London (John Murray).