VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen

2. Biologie

2.1. Nahrung der Raupe

  • [Zygophyllaceae:] Zygophyllum atriplicoides [Hättenschwiler & Alemansoor (2006: 85)]
  • [Asteraceae:] Artemisia sieheri [Hättenschwiler & Alemansoor (2006: 85)]
  • [Polygonaceae:] Pteropyrum olivieri [Hättenschwiler & Alemansoor (2006: 85)]
  • [Amaranthaceae:] Noaea mucronata [Hättenschwiler & Alemansoor (2006: 85)]
  • [Boraginaceae:] Heliotropium aucheri [Hättenschwiler & Alemansoor (2006: 85)]
  • [Ephedraceae:] Ephedra cf. strobilacea [Hättenschwiler & Alemansoor (2006: 85)]
  • [Fabaceae:] Alhagi persarum [Hättenschwiler & Alemansoor (2006: 85)]

Hättenschwiler & Alemansoor (2006: 79) berichten: “In the eastern part of Fars province, south of Iran, HA and Seyed Asghar Alehoseni discovered an unknown species of Amicta Heylaerts, 1881 feeding on several species of bushes and shrubs. The host plants are desert adapted with needle or fleshy like leaves; they are native to western Asia and distributed through Afghanistan, the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, and Pakistan (temperate and tropical regions) (Wiersema & Leon 2004). In the literature, no Psychidae species have previously been reported from these plants.” Letzteres hängt aber auch damit zusammen, dass bei den meisten Psychiden gar keine konkreten Nahrungspflanzen angeführt werden.

(Autoren: Jürgen Rodeland & Erwin Rennwald)

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Typenmaterial

Hättenschwiler & Alemansoor (2006: 80): “Holotype: ♂, Iran, Qatrouyeh, Neyriz, Pars province, 1640 m, 5.ix.2004, ex larva, 29°8'N 54°42'E, coll. Naturmuseum Luzem (together with the respective bag). - Paratypes: same data, but 3 ♂ 1.ix.2000; 1 ♂ 25.viii., 2 ♂ 31.viii, 15 ♀ 17.-20.ix.2004, ex larva or ex pupa with bags, 7 larvae 18.vi. and 25 additional bags as well as 40 ♂ 29.viii., 2O ♀ 29.viii., 9 ♀ 10.-16.ix. 2005, and 60 additional bags; deposited in the following collections: Hayk Mirzayans Insect Museum, Insect Taxonomy Research Department, Plant Pest & Disease Research Institute, Teheran, Iran (HMIM); Natural Resources Insect Museum, Plant Protection Department, Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources of Fars Province, Shiraz, Iran (NRIM); The Natural History Museum, London; Naturmuseum Luzern, Switzerland; Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Genève, Switzerland; Collection Willi Sauter, Illnau, Switzerland; Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany; Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria; Collection Erwin Hauser, Wolfern, Austria; Collection Thomas Sobczyk, Hoyerswerda, Germany; Collection R. & P. Hättenschwiler, Uster, Switzerland.”

3.2. Literatur