VorkommenLinks (5)Fundmeldungen

1. Lebendfotos

1.1. Falter

2. Diagnose

2.1. Weibchen

2.2. Genitalien

Hinweis: Fazekas & Edmunds (2023: 28-29) zeigen Farbfotos der Falter und Genitalien beider Geschlechter. Sie erläutern dazu: "Remarks. According to Arenberger (1996) due to the extremely poor state of preservation of all specimens examined, a more exact description of the external characteristics of this species is not possible. However, there is no doubt about the species legitimacy of Agdistis bigoti because the genital apparatus in both sexes is unmistakable. The male genital is very conspicuous by the forked process of the 8th sternite. Only Singularia walsinghami (Fernald, 1898) and Agdistis bifurcatus (Agenjo, 1952) have similar sternite cones, but in both these are forked after 1/2 of their length. In A. bigoti, from the base of two arms, a further two arms are present. A. bigoti is another species of the „frankeniae” group. This is confirmed by their female genital apparatus. Antrum in ventral view caudally overly broad, orally tapering abruptly after 3/4 abruptly tapering, strongly sclerotized. The membranous corpus bursae are only about 1/4 longer than the antrum. In the paper, detailed photos of the male and female reproductive organs are shown. Highlighting the most important specific markers. The wing habitus is also shown, as no similar representation is known in previous publications."

2.2.1. Weibchen

3. Biologie

3.1. Nahrung der Raupe

Noch unbekannt! Fazekas & Edmunds (2023: 28) schrieben dazu: "The larvae and food plants are not yet known. It may be an endemic species on the island of Crete, but this needs to be confirmed by further research in the wider geographical area."

4. Weitere Informationen

4.1. Faunistik

Die Art wurde von Kreta beschrieben und galt als Kreta-Endemit. Fazekas & Edmunds (202: 28) führen eigene Funde an: "Examined material: 1 female, wingspan 22 mm, Crete, Comos Beach, Timbaki, 14.04.2021, leg. H. Edmunds, gen. prep. et det. I. Fazekas No. 3528; 1 male, Crete, Ithamos, Nr. Vai, Bast-coast. 08.11.2022, leg. H. Edmunds, gen. prep. et det. I. Fazekas No. 3522." Sie schrieben dazu: "Only in Crete. Other sites according to Arenberger (1996): Matala, Kuphonisi, Chersoneos."

Mit dem oben gezeigten Weibchen von Albanien ist die Art kein Endemit von Kreta mehr.

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

4.2. Literatur