Version 2 / 4 vom 15. Mai 2023 um 13:28:27 von Jürgen Rodeland
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3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Taxonomie

Rajaei & al. (2023: 308) melden Zweifel an der Artgleichheit des Paratypus an: “Wiltshire described this species based on the male holotype from W Afghanistan (type locality: Sarobi) and a female paratype from SW Iran (prov. Khuzestan, Shush). Whether the female paratype and specimens from prov. Khorasan reported by Esfandiari et al. (2015b) really belong to this species remains an open question.”

3.2. Typenmaterial

Wiltshire (1961: 354): “Holo-type, ♂, Prep. WM. 58, Sarobi, 1100 m., 28. VI. 56, A. [Allo-type, ♀, S. W. IRAN, Khuzistan, Shush, 19.—24. III. 56, Richter and Schauffele, in coll. Mus. Stuttgart.]”

3.3. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Wiltshire, E. P. (1961): Ergebnisse der Deutschen Afghanistan-Expedition 1956 der Landessammlungen für Naturkunde Karlsruhe. Middle East Lepidoptera, XV. A second contribution to the Lepidoptera of Afghanistan. — Beiträge zur naturkundlichen Forschung in Südwest-Deutschland 19 (3): 337-371. [PDF auf]