VorkommenLinks (3)Fundmeldungen

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Typenmaterial

Van Nieukerken & Nishida (2016: 55): “Holotype male. Costa Rica, Guanacaste Province, ACG Santa Rosa Station, 10°50'22.30"N, 085°37'6.43"W, 293 m, 22.vi.2003, light sheet, Kenji Nishida, Genitalia slide EvN3673, RMNH.INS.23673 (RMNH).” — Paratypen werden nicht genannt, jedoch “Other material examined. 6♂”. Van Nieukerken & Nishida (2016: 57) lassen wissen: “We have DNA barcodes of all ten known specimens, the holotype differs 2.3% from the other specimens.”

3.2. Literatur