Version 5 (neueste) vom 2. Januar 2024 um 17:08:08 von Erwin Rennwald
1. Lebendfotos
1.1. Falter
1: Malaysia, Borneo, Sarawak, Miri, Gunung Mulu Nationalpark, Deer Cave Trail, niedere Vegetation, Alluvialwald (Überschwemmungswald), 50 m, 3. Juni 2006 (det. & Freilandfoto: Dirk Mezger)Forum
2. Diagnose
2.1. Erstbeschreibung
1: Moore (1878: 701) [nach Copyright-freiem Scan auf]
3. Weitere Informationen
3.1. Andere Kombinationen
- Sospita saturata Moore, 1878 [Originalkombination]
3.2. Unterarten
- Abisara saturata maya Bennett, 1950
- Abisara saturata baraka Bennett, 1950
- Abisara saturata kausambioides de Nicéville & Martin, [1896]
- Abisara saturata amaga Fruhstorfer, 1914
- Abisara saturata iliaca Fruhstorfer, 1912
- Abisara saturata paha Fruhstorfer, 1914
- Abisara saturata tera Fruhstorfer, 1904
- Abisara saturata corbeti Bennett, 1950
- Abisara saturata meta Fruhstorfer, 1904
3.3. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung: Moore, F. (1878): List of Lepidopterous Insects collected by the late R. Swinhoe in the Island of Hainan. — Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London for the Year 1878. Part III: 695-708. London (Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer).