2. Weitere Informationen
2.1. Andere Kombinationen
- Stenodes elegans Razowski, 1963 [Originalkombination]
2.2. Typenmaterial
Razowski (1963: 265): “Holotype (♂): „Iran, Khorassan, Kouh-i-Binaloud (Meched), 2200 m., 15. VIII. 1938, leg. Brandt“, G. Sl. 5769. Typoids (5 ♂♂) labelled as holotype (one of them genetically investigated, G. Sl. 5721). Holotype and three typoids in the collection of Dr. H. G. Amsel, two typoids in author's coll.”
2.3. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung Razowski, J. (1963): Tortricoidea (Lepidoptera) from Iran. — Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 8 (5): 251-277. [PDF auf isez.pan.krakow.pl]