2. Weitere Informationen
2.1. Andere Kombinationen
- Stenodes pirizanica Razowski, 1963 [Originalkombination]
2.2. Faunistik
meldet die zuvor nur aus dem Iran bekannte Art erstmals für Kirgisistan: "1 female, Kirgizstan, S Issyk-Kull., Ottuk v, 1650, 29.06.2000, S. Churkin leg.; 2 females, (Kirgizstan) Fergana valley, 27 km S. Osh, 19.07.2000, 1200m S.Churkin leg."
(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)
2.3. Typenmaterial
Razowski (1963: 267): “Holotype (♂): „Pir-i-Zan, 28. V. [19]41, f. 106, [E. P. Wiltshire leg.]“., G. Sl. 5773. Allotypus (♀): „Muk Pass, Fars, 15. VI. [19]41, F. 118, [E. P. Wiltshire leg.“. Typoids (3 ♂♂): „Pir-i-Zan, F. 106, 28. V. [19]41, [E. P. Wiltshire leg.]“, one of these with genitalia studied (G. Sl. 5774). Holotype, allotype and one typoid in coll. of Dr. H. G. Amsel, two typoids in author's coll.”
2.4. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung Razowski, J. (1963): Tortricoidea (Lepidoptera) from Iran. — Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 8 (5): 251-277. [PDF auf isez.pan.krakow.pl]
- Trematerra, P. (2010): Clepsis trifasciata sp. n. with notes on some Lepidoptera Tortricidae from Kirgizstan. — Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research, Ser. II, 42 (1): 1-10. [zum PDF-Download auf researchgate.net]