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2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Sohn (2023: 190): “Holotype (Figure 1): 1 ♂, Korea, Jeonnam Prov., Wando-gun, Gunoe-myeon, Wando Arboretum, 10-IV-2015 (S. S. Kim leg.), genitalia slide no. SJC-1081. Deposited in the GJUE. Paratype (Figure 2): 1 ♀, same locality as holotype, 18-IV-2015 (S. S. Kim leg.), GJUE.”

2.2. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Sohn, J.-C. (2023): A new species of Protopterna Meyrick, 1908 from Korea (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Tortricinae). — SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología 51 (201): 189-192. [PDF auf shilap.org]