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Geschlecht nicht bestimmt

1. Lebendfotos

1.1. Falter

2. Diagnose

2.1. Männchen

2.2. Geschlecht nicht bestimmt

2.3. Genitalien

2.3.1. Männchen

3. Biologie

3.1. Habitat

4. Weitere Informationen

4.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Kononenko et al. (2018) beschreiben die Art nach dem Finder des Holotypus und teilen mit: "The species is named for German geologist and insect collector Axel Steidel who collected the species in the Sayan Mts. (upper reach of Irkut River) in South Siberia and brought it to the attention of authors."

4.2. Faunistik

Kononenko et al. (2018) umreißen das nach bisheriger Kenntnis auf Süd-Sibirien beschränkte Verbreitungsgebiet: "Russia, Tuva, Naryn River valley; southwest of Buryatia, Tunkinsky region, East Sayan Range, upper reach of Irkut River, near Sagan-Shuluta village; Mondy village; south Transbaikalia, Kuka village. Specimens were collected by light in the montane steppe, and river banks at elevation 1850–1950 m."

4.3. Typenmaterial

Das Typenmaterial besteht nur aus Männchen. Kononenko et al. (2018) stellen zusammen: "Holotype: male, labeled (in German): “NE Russia W Buryatia, Sayangeb. 400 km W Baikal-See, 24 km nr. Sagan-Shuluta a. Irkuta. 51°(53–55) 36′N, 100°43–46′E 9-14.vii.2012/NN 1850–1950 m, leg. A. Steidel, u. Gruppe” [Russia, west of Buryatia Autonomic Respublic, Tunkinsky reg., 24 km from Sagan-Shuluta village, East Sayan Range, 1850–1950 m], slide GB 8446, coll. GB/ZSM.

Paratypes: 2 males, same data, slide GB 8237, coll. GB/ZSM; 8 males 14.vii.2012, same locality and collectors (coll. HSW). The holotype and one paratype mentioned above are preserve in the collection of Gottfried Behounek (Grafing, near Munich, Germany), later to be deposited in ZSM. 1 male, Russia, Tuva, Naryn river 50°08′N, 96°00′E, 1450 m, NN, 6.vii.1996, leg. J. Krüger, coll. PG, slide PG 730. 1 male (with red brown forewing), labeled as “Russland-Sibirien, Mondy [Russia, Siberia, Buryatia, Mondy] 1887 m, 54º.36.8′ N, 100º45.41,5′E, 6–14. 07. 2012, Klaus Metz”, coll. PG, slide PG 3347. 1 male, South Siberia, Chita reg. Kuka vill., 25.v.–10.vi.1999, leg. Chech collector., coll. PG, genitalia slide PG 3424. The series of the paratypes preserve in the collection of Peter Gyulai (Miskolc, Hungary). 1 male, Russia, South Siberia, Tuva, Naryn River/ Arzhan, 50°13′N, 96°15′E, 1900 m, 24–26.vi.1996, leg. J. Krüger; 1 male same locality, 50°08′N 96°00′E, 1450 m, 6.vii.1996, leg. J.Krüger; 1 male, same locality, 50° 08′N 96° 00′E, 1450 m, 6.vii.1996, leg. A.Saldaitis (Coll. ZFMK)."

4.4. Literatur