3. Weitere Informationen
3.1. Andere Kombinationen
- Pectinivalva (Menurella) tribulatrix van Nieukerken, 2013 & Hoare [Originalkombination]
3.2. Typenmaterial
Van Nieukerken & Hoare (2013: 48): “Holotype. ♂, Cape Tribulation, Queensland, [UTM: 55K CC365219], la. 23.vii.2004, [coastal rainforest], emg. 8.ix.2004, Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa, E.J. van Nieukerken, RMNH/EvN no 2004017, genitalia slide 18721 (ANIC) (= EvN 3962). Paratype. ♀, same data as holotype, genitalia slide EvN 3963 (RMNH).”
3.3. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung: Hoare, R. J. B. & E. J. van Nieukerken (2013): Phylogeny and host-plant relationships of the Australian Myrtaceae leafmining moth genus Pectinivalva (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae), with new subgenera and species. — ZooKeys 278: 1–64. [Zum PDF auf]