2. Biologie
2.1. Nahrung der Raupe
Unbekannt. Braun (1910: 173): “I have, however, been unable thus far to identify the food plant, which is a shrub with lanceolate yellowish green leaves, densely tomentous beneath.”
3. Weitere Informationen
3.1. Andere Kombinationen
- Nepticula diffasciae Braun, 1910 [Originalkombination]
3.2. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung: Braun, A. F. (1910): New Species of Tineina from California. — Entomological News and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 21 (4): 171-179. [Digitalisat auf biodiversitylibrary.org]