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2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Etymologie Namenserklärung

Werner, Wanke & Rajaei (2023: 22) teilen mit: “The name sihvoneni is dedicated to our friend and well-known Geometridae specialist, director of the Department of Zoology at Finnish Museum of Natural History, long-term cooperation partner Pasi Sihvonen.”

2.2. Typenmaterial

Werner, Wanke & Rajaei (2023: 21): “Holotype, 1 ♀, “India, J & K [Jammu and Kashmir], Ladakh, Kharbu, 2800 m, 13.viii.1984, leg. W. Thomas”, g. prep (♀) 1213/2021 D. Wanke (in SMNS).” — Paratypen: 7 ♂♂ und 1 ♀ aus Tadschikistan und Pakistan.

2.3. Literatur