VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen

2. Biologie

2.1. Tagesaktivität der Falter

Nach Kovács & Kovács (2019) fliegen die Falter nur tagsüber und nur bei Sonnenschein, vermutlich eine Anpassung an den Lebensraum in den Hochlagen. Konkret: "In the morning, when north-facing slopes become sunny, males start to search for females. Their flight is not very fast, 10–20 cm above the ground, following a sinuous route, interrupted from time to time by short stops of only a few seconds on the dewy vegetation. Once disturbed their flight becomes faster and after 5–15 m they suddenly hide within the vegetation. During the afternoon the moths do not fly freely although in sunny weather they can be easily disturbed."

2.2. Nahrung der Raupe

  • [Asteraceae:] Achillea oxyloba ssp. schurii

Kovács & Kovács (2019) erläutern: "The early stages are still poorly known. Eggs are unknown. Larvae are yellowish white with a brown head [...]. They live in the soil, usually several individuals feeding on the roots of the host-plant. The latter, Achillea oxyloba (DC.) (Sch. Bip.) subsp. schurii (Sch. Bip.) Heimerl (Sârbu et al. 2013) (Fig. 13), was always common at the collecting sites. [...] After the emergence of adults several different-sized larvae were found between the roots of the host-plant, which indicates that they hibernate more than once (a well-known life strategy in alpine Lepidoptera)."

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Kovács & Kovács (2019) erläutern: "The name „carpatalpina” alludes to the alpine range of the Southern Carpathians where the new Dichrorampha species was discovered. The epithet is used as an adjective."

3.2. Taxonomie

Zur Position im System erläutern Kovács & Kovács (2019): "In view of the genitalia structure of both sexes, Dichrorampha carpatalpina should be placed near D. inconspiqua and their close relative D. podoliensis." Leider wurde anscheinend ganz auf Barcoding verzichtet.

3.3. Faunistik

Die Art ist vorerst nur aus den Hochlagen der Karpaten Rumäniens bekannt, wo die Falter ganz überwiegend in Höhen zwischen 2000 und 2500 m, nur vereinzelt herab bis 1600 m, gefunden wurden. Kovács & Kovács (2019) erläutern: "Dichrorampha carpatalpina seems to be widespread and locally common in the three main mountain ranges in the easten half of the Southern Carpathians: Bucegi, Fãgãraº and Piatra Craiului. It may also occur in the western part, at least in the very similar Retezat and Parâng Mountains, where we made only one unsuccesful attempt to find it." Ihre Vermutung stützen sie auch darauf, dass die Nahrungspflanze der Raupe in den höheren Lagen der Karpaten weit verbreitet ist.

3.4. Typenmaterial

Kovács & Kovács (2019) teilen zum Holotypus mit: "♂. [România] Carpaţii Meridionali, Munţii Făgăraş, Căldarea Bâlea, 2100–2200 m, 14.vii.2016, legit & coll. S. & Z. Kovács (Miercurea Ciuc)." Die 121 (!) Paratypen stammen alle von wenigen Fundorten der Hochlagen der Karpaten Rumäniens.

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.5. Literatur