VorkommenLinks (1)Fundmeldungen
Raupe, Raupensack

1. Lebendfotos

1.1. Falter

1.2. Raupe, Raupensack

Nigel Voaden teilt in einer E-Mail an Jürgen Rodeland zur Fundstelle der Raupe mit: “The richardsoni larva is on a piece of Limestone scree, about the size of a hand. These form piles on steep slopes at it's only known site in the UK, you have to lift of two or three levels of rock to arrive at a place below where they are damp and algae, lichen and moss starts to grow prividing the larvae with something to feed on. I thought it might be hard to find them but actually it only took a few minutes.”

2. Diagnose

2.1. Erstbeschreibung

3. Biologie

3.1. Habitat

4. Weitere Informationen

4.1. Andere Kombinationen

4.2. Faunistik

Die Art wurde aus England (Dorsetshire) beschrieben.

Jürg Schmid (2013) berichtet über den ersten Nachweis für die Schweiz: 1 ♀, Schweiz, Graubünden, Valle Mesolcina [Misox], Grono, 340 m, 1. Juli 2011, Lichtfang, leg. et det. Jürg Schmid, conf. Reinhard Gaedike.

Gaedike (2015: 86) kann ergänzen: "Hitherto known only from Great Britain, Croatia (unpublished record) and Switzerland (Canton Vaud: Cudrefin La Sauge (Schmid, 2013)). Zum neuen Fund in Kroatien heißt es: "1 ♂, Muškovci, 17.vi.2001, leg. L. Srnka, coll. Tokar."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

4.3. Literatur

4.4. Informationen auf anderen Websites (externe Links)