VorkommenLinks (10)Fundmeldungen
Nomen novum
Bezug der Indikation

1. Lebendfotos

1.1. Falter

2. Diagnose

2.1. Nomen novum

2.2. Bezug der Indikation

3. Biologie

3.1. Habitat

3.2. Nahrung der Raupe

Wolfgang Wagner meldet auf "http://www.pyrgus.de/Gegenes.html" pyrgus.de: "Die Raupe lebt an trockenheitsbeständigen Gräsern, die auch im Sommer noch leidlich Nahrung bieten. Im Sommer werden aber auch gerne Gräser an Bewässerungsgräben oder Feuchtstandorten belegt." Seine Funde stammen von 2009 und 2013, als er die Grasarten noch nicht näher bestimmte.

Tshikolovets (2011: 76) schrieb ohne Quellenangabe: "Main host-plants: Cynodon dactylon Hyparrhenia."

Benyamini & John (2020: 174) führen hinggen eine lange Liste von Süßgräsern und auch einem Sauergras an: "Levant recorded hostplants: mainly Poaceae (Gramineae) - Andropogon distachyos, Chloris gayana, Cynodon dactylon, Dactyloctenium australe [C], Digitaria sanguinalis [?], Echinochloa colonum, Hyparrhenia hirta, Imperata cylindrica, Panicum miliaceum, Pennisetum orientale, Piptatherum miliaceum, Setaria adhaerens, S. verticillata, Sorghum halepense, Stenotaphrum secundatum [C], Stipa bromoides and sometimes also on Cyperus rotundus (Cyperaceae) (DB, LHP, Benyamini 2000b, 2005c, 2007c; Feingold, 2008b; Talal, 2009c)." Es scheint sich hier durchgehend um plausible Freiland-Angaben zu handeln.

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

4. Weitere Informationen

4.1. Andere Kombinationen

4.2. Synonyme

4.3. Faunistik

Im abstract von Kolev & Shtinkov (2016) ist zu lesen: "This paper details the first definitive record of the subtropical, circum-Mediterranean skipper Gegenes pumilio (Hoffmannsegg, 1804) from Bulgaria. The find is significant not only on a national scale, but primarily because it is the first certain proof of the occurrence of G. pumilio in the central-eastern parts of the Balkan Peninsula. The characters distinguishing this species from its close congener G. nostrodamus (Fabricius, 1793) are reviewed and the differences in the male genitalia are clarified. Circumstances related to the ecology and conservation status of the species are also discussed."

de Jong & Coutsis (2017) schildern ausführlich: "G. pumilio is widely distributed in scattered populations in NW Africa (Algeria and Tunisia; Tennent 1996). Europe: Spain, Mallorca (García-Barros et al. 2013; according to these authors not known from the Spanish mainland, although mentioned by Evans (1937, 1949), SE France (Lafranchis 2000) and eastward through Italy and Sicily (Verity 1940) to the Balkans and Greece (Rebel & Zerny 1931, Thurner 1964, Schaider & Jaksić 1989, Pamperis 2009, Verovnik & Popović 2013). Further east it occurs in Turkey (Hesselbarth et al. 1995), Cyprus (Makris 2001), Syria (Evans 1949), Lebanon (Larsen 1974), Israel (Benyamini 1997), Iraq (Wiltshire 1957, Tshikolovets et al. 2014) and Iran (Evans 1949, Nazari 2003, Tshikolovets et al. 2014, mainly along the Persian Gulf) to Pakistan (not mentioned by Roberts 2001, but records from Chitral, Waziristan and Khyber in Evans 1949); latter locality could as well be Afghanistan, but not mentioned by Sakai (1981) from that country; there is a female from Rawalpindi in the collection of the Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Figs 8, 9), and NW India (Punjab, NW Himalayas; Evans 1949). Not recorded from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan (Tshikolovets 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005), where the very similar G. nostrodamus is widespread, and (most of) Afghanistan, leaving a gap of some 800 km between SE Iran and the Pakistan/NW India localities. In addition, the species is found in S and SE Arabian Peninsula (Yemen, Dhofar, Oman; Larsen 1980, 1982b, 1983, 1984, Larsen & Larsen 1980). [...] It occurs throughout sub-Saharan Africa (Evans 1937, Kielland 1990, Larsen 1991, 2005), including the island of Socotra east of the Horn of Africa, politically belonging to Yemen (Rebel 1907, Evans 1937), in suitable habitats, but absent from most of Cape Province, South Africa, (Dickson & Kroon 1978, Pringle et al. 1994, Henning et al. 1997). Not mentioned from Gabon (Vande weghe 2010) and Cameroon (personal data). It has not been recorded from Madagascar so far, but there is a single specimen in the collection of the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, from Ft Dauphin ( = Taolagnaro) (Figs 6–7, 19)." In Afrika ist die Art sehr viel weiter verbreitet als G. nostrodamus.

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

4.4. Literatur

4.5. Informationen auf anderen Websites (externe Links)