VorkommenLinks (3)Fundmeldungen

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Faunistik

Arnscheid & Sobczyk (2023: 385-386) führen 12 ♂♂ von drei iranischen Fundorten unter “Additional material (not paratypes)” und kommentieren: “Additional material, which probably belongs to this new species was collected in Iran. Due to minor differences in colour and partially also in wing shape, these specimens were not integrated into the type series.”

3.2. Typenmaterial

Arnscheid & Sobczyk (2023: 385): “Holotypus ♂: Turkmenistan, Kopet dagh Mts., 6 km S of Ipay-Kala, 57°07'E, 31°17'N, 16.-23. viii.1992, leg. M. Hreblay, Gy. Laszlo & G. Ronkay. The holotype is deposited in MWM. Paratypes: 195 ♂ same date as holotype (CWA, CTS, MWM).”

3.3. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Arnscheid, W. R. & T. Sobczyk (2023): Taxonomic review of the Oiketicoides species (Lepidoptera: Psychidae: Oiketicinae: Acanthopsychini) from Anatolia, the Middle East and Central Asia. — Zootaxa 5239 (3): 373-394.